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Audition Policies



New faces are always welcome at Growing In The Arts and we want every young performer to shine. You should audition only if you are able to answer  YES to the following questions...

Should I Audition?


  • Is this a production that I really want to be part of?


  • Am I able to commit to all advertised performance dates and times?


  • Am I amble to commit to the advertised rehearsal times?Do I fit into the age group advertised?​


  • Do I fit into the age group advertised?







Part of what makes Growing In The Arts productions the best children and youth theatre productions in the Region is the fact that all cast members attend all scheduled rehearsal times. If you answered no to any of the above questions then we ask that you do not audition until the next round of auditions as your schedule permits.

Zero Absence Policy

Actors will not be permitted to miss scheduled rehearsals for personal pre-scheduled weekly actives such as lessons or family vacations. Actors will not be permitted to miss rehearsals for events or activities that come up during the rehearsal process such as academic, dance or sport conventions/competitions/retreats. Actors will not be allowed to miss rehearsals for Actors that are cast in this production will only be allowed to miss a rehearsal for extreme family emergencies or contagious illness. Actors with a non-approved absence will be removed from the cast. 

Annual co-insurance fee

If you are offered a role you will be required to pay an annual co-insurance fee which covers liability while involved in stage productions. This fee is paid once yearly.

We acknowledge that the land on which Growing In The Arts School of Dramatic & Expressive

Arts is situated, are the land of the Haudenosaunee, Anishinaabe and neutral people.

We recognize and appreciate the enduring presences and deep traditional knowledge, laws and

philosophies of the indigenous peoples with whom we are fortunate to share this land with

today.  We are treaty people, with a responsibility to honor all relations and affirm the collective

commitment to make the promise of meaningful truth and reconciliation real in the community. 

We remember the children that were forced to attend residential schools; those that did not return home and those that have yet to be found. We honor the children that deserved love and kindness; a life with culture, teachings and ceremony. We will never never forget that every child matters.

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